Selasa, 19 April 2011

Smart Entrepreneur

The term Entrepreneur is popularized by an Austrian economist named Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950). According to Schumpeter the overall process of economic perbuahan ultimately depends on the personal behavior of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) Kewiraswastawan (entrepreneurship) was first menyakut changes. The entrepreneur saw the change as the norm and something healthy. Usually they do not create change alone, because they themselves are usually not the inventor. However, these determine the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are always looking for change, respond and use it as an opportunity. Any change in a creative and innovative ditanggapinya.
Entrepreneurship is different from management. Entrepreneurship is a merger of the power to initiate changes in prosuksi while management involves combining to make a pro production. Therefore, management refers to the coordination of non-stop from the production process which can be viewed as a merger without interruption of the production process, which can be viewed as a continuous amalgamation of the factors of production. While entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that is not continuous, which appears to initiate changes in production processes and then disappear to reappear again to start the other changes. While the information is data that can be used as a basis for making decisions. Information is the "Heart problems due to open the door successfully" 'said Herb Cohen.
Smart means intelligent or smart or wise. Confucius said "If you are not smart, then you have to be smart." Broader definition of smart enrteprenuer is a person who is able to create new businesses as well as creative and innovative with risk and uncertainty to achieve profitability and growth by identifying opportunities and how to threats and to combine it with the resources it has. The essence of smart entrepreneurs use the right brain and left brain in an optimal or the use of intuition and information intelligently. Intuition is the heart whisper. Intuition is the ability to know something without a lot of rethinking consciously.
People who include smart entrepreneur is Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple Macintosh), Walt Disney (Disney), Asa Candler (Coca-Cola), Henry Ford (Ford Motor), Seichiro Honda (Honda), Akio Morita (Sony), Konusuke Matsushita (Matsushita), Anita Roddick (The Body Shop), Sam Walton (Wal-Mart), Jerry Yang (Yahoo), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Pierre Omidyar (eBay) and so forth. Most of the world's top entrepreneurs as a smart entrepreneur entrepreneur. They combine information and intuition to achieve business success. Bill Gates for example, when looking at opportunities that Apple and IBM would not license its operating system to computer makers, then this information by Bill Gates was arrested and with his intuition, he decided not to make the operating system and provide licenses to be used by the computer maker. The first operating system created by Bill Gates is Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) that eventually dominate the market 80% of all operating systems used at the time. Upon the success Bill Gates had continued with the advent of Windows that is currently so successful and has been the emergence of a new Windows is Windows XP. Steve Jobs has been informed that there is a need in the market which are used in personal computers. Steve Jobs with his intuition to make personal computers (PCs) are easily used by ordinary people. The first product, the Apple Macintosh. Steve Jobs, along with his colleague Steve Wozniak made his first machine in a garage.
Henry Ford's use of information about most of the population willing Amreika have a car, but they do not, have enough money to buy it. Finally Henry with his intuition mass produce cars for the price of the car is affordable by the American public in 1903. The first car is a car diabuat Model A. After one year, he can sell 600 cars per month. In 1908 until 1927, has sold 15 million Model T cars In 1919, Ford resigned as company president who was replaced by his son Edsel. Annual car sales peaked in 1923 to 2,120,898 at the same time Ford Ndari controls over 57 cars in the U.S. market.
Educational Institutions Primagama use this information and intuition to menjulangkan name. Starting from the idea of ​​Pak Purdi, which when it became the Director has a rather crazy idea, Guidance Tests Accepted Insurance Program. The word is different Guarantee Guaranteed. If Secured means must be accepted at State Universities, but if security is dependent on student and Primagama. Primagama provides assurance, if not enter State Universities do not pay, enough money administration of Rp. 10.000, - but if the country received in Higher Education student, paid in accordance with what he promised. To be accepted at State Universities, students Primagama also required to study hard and be highly motivated to have a passion for learning. Pak Purdi idea is intuition. Then I, who was then as Manager of Research and Development Primagama add information that a student must Primagama students who are good at, how the test turned out to students from high school Primagama ituberasal time favorite in Yogyakarta, among others, SMA 1, SMA 2, SMA 3 and so forth. If that becomes Primagama students come from high school - high school favorite, it is not dibimbingpun likely to be accepted at State Universities, let alone be guided in Primagama. Apparently it's true Primagama way of thinking, which the country received in Higher Education more than 90%, because the students selected their students. Then students are accepted at universities of the country posted a page on the Daily People's Sovereignty, so that people know the existence of Guidance Test Yogya Primagama. That's the starting point for the Institute of Education Primagama. The decision is a decision of an intelligent entrepreneur who combines intuition with information. This can happen if we are a positive mental attitude.


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