Artificial water turbine Eddy Permadi (via Cintek) not only interested in the country, but also overseas markets, including developed countries such as Switzerland. Success is also transmitted to a business drinks sachets
bandrek traditional. How lika polytechnic graduates and turns of this struggle?
A number of guests from the Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), German social institution, is seen visiting the laboratory micro hydro area of 5 thousand m2 in Jl. Cihanjuang, Cimahi, West Java, when in one afternoon SWA arrived. Among them there are Gehart Fisher, Engineer and Mark Haiton microhydro GTZ, GTZ Project Manager. Permadi Eddy, founder of Core Engineering Cihanjuang CV (Cintek) who receive their own. Occasionally, this 52-year-old man spoke in fluent German.
Later, the name of Eddy was much discussed. Not only subscribers to his lab and workshop, but also among students, students, representatives of social agencies, local governments, to ministers. Polytechnic Alumni Achievement Mechanic Swiss-ITB (1980) is in raising Cintek was remarkable.
The company, founded in 1999, until the year 2007 have been successfully supplying turbines for Micro Hydro Power (MHP) to more than 200 locations in the country. Starting from the Land of Paradise Rencong to Earth. Some of the MHP was even built his own by Cintek, ranging from civil construction, electromechanical equipment, transmission and distribution mains to the surrounding community, for the installation into homes.
Seeing the figure, there's nothing special glimpse of the man born October 2, 1958 Sumedang this. Its appearance is unpretentious. Even his workshop feels small because of the large machinery and other goods that meet. Some layout engines and stuff looks irregular. But who would have thought Eddy with Cintek company, has been to attract a lot of appreciation. In 2004, ASEAN Hydro awarded Cintek Award. Kalpataru achieved in 2005. And Industrial Research Award for Work Results Terterapkan Technology in Energy Technology from the Ministry of Research and Technology, acquired in 2007.
Now the product design turbine electricity production MHP Cintek already patented in the DG of Intellectual Property Rights Department of Justice and Human Rights with HANJUANG name.
Interestingly, his success in pushing water turbine production business to pursue new business that is typical beverage West Java, bandrek and such. The brand that brought together the HANJUANG. Now a business drinks bandreknya showed outstanding performance. Eddy said, he has been marketing the 150 batches per day or 30 thousand per day packs bandrek (1 batch = 200 sachets).
As with any turbine business, in business bandrek Eddy also has won several awards. Among other things, the category Third Place Traditional Beverages Product Creation Special Area of Provincial Cimahi mayor in 2006. Also, Winner category Small and Medium Business Group Health Food Manufacturer of the State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2007.
Eddy entrepreneurial journey started from the fertilizer business that failed. Cause, a government regulation to categorize their products as a fertilizer industry so he must sell at a price aka expensive industry. As a result, a complete fertilizer multihara produced under the banner of Sammaniat it difficult to market. "In fact, with our fertilizer, can result in harvest 8 tons more, even in Sumedang be 12 tons. While generally only 6 tonnes / ha, "he said. Failure in business was started with 7 people in 1995 that his friend, encouraged her to try another pioneering effort in the field. Business turbine was chosen.
Of course the choice was his background. As a graduate of Engineering Department of ITB PMS (now Polytechnic Manufacturing Polman Bandung or Bandung - Ed.), Machining is not the foreign goods for him. Moreover, during the year 1984-1986, he had the opportunity to learn the science of metallurgy (metal casting) in Switzerland. Then in 1988-1989, he continued his education the same in Germany, and obtained a Master of Foundry Handelskamer Industrie Und Mittlerer Neckar from Stuttgard-Deutchland. These learning opportunities he gained from his campus (PMS-ITB) for the faculty where he was given the task of opening a new department, the science of metal casting.
In Germany, the eldest of five children fruit Nurgana Endy couple (a former mathematics lecturer IKIP Bandung) and (late) Ratnawati explores the importance of energy in building the local economy. Even he found the fact that the economic success achieved by European countries because there was a revolution before the energy. He saw the country's highly literate and appreciate the energy. As a country that has four seasons, they tried to optimally utilize water, wind and sun to produce energy. As a result, energy requirements still be met despite the extreme seasonal changes.
From these observations, he recalled that Indonesia has abundant water resources. "From that conviction, I try and make energy pioneer. Therefore, to move the wheels of our economy must start from the energy, "he said excitedly.
His first project (1999) is the Repairing (repair) turbines from Germany to the tea plantations in Bandung with a capacity of 200 thousand watts (200 kw). The first project is worth USD 25 million. At that time he was able to restore the capacity of a 15 year old machine to the level of the original capacity, aka 200 kw again. "After that response (market) started well. That's how confident I was growing up, "Eddy said. For the first project, he must first investment worth USD 20 million used to buy a lathe, welding, fres and milling. "Before I bought cicil each month. All these machines are purchased in stages, "he said bluntly.
A few months later, he received orders installation of turbines in one area in Sulawesi. "I forgot the name of the region," he said innocently. Projects that are part of the Japanese aid worth USD 60 million. Next, he received orders from the government installation of micro hydro power plant in West Java with a capacity of 12 thousand watts. This project included that he be proud of. Because the turbine propellers type (open flume) was installed in the river that only has a height of 4 feet, but able to illuminate the 120 heads of families in Leuwikiara, Cipatujah, Tarlac. "The technology exists, most of the water should be 10-20 feet tall. As for that height (4 feet) technology is almost non-existent, "he said proudly.
Furthermore, every year he got a 4-5 turbine project. At that time the employees reach 20-30 people. The location of his workshop in Cihanjuang initially only covering 800 m2, has now reached 1200 m2.
Eddy acknowledged, is not easy to introduce turbine business that they do to the society at that time. That is why, he felt the need to educate the market. Then, in 2000 he made a lab test pilot micro-hydro energy in Cihanjuang. Initially natural lab located in the rice fields of this area 200 m2. Now the area reached 5 thousand m2. In this lab customers and the public can see and learn how to process the water into electricity. The goal, not merely for commercial but also educational. "I got this land from the Village of North Cimahi," said the former professor of PMS this ITB.
Now, there are two types of turbines produced Cintek ie crossflow turbine (cross flow) and propellers (open flume). Crossflow turbine is a type of the first-Eddy (before 2000). If calculated from the beginning until now, he has released about 90 turbine crossflow across the country. Secondly, the turbine propellers. "We who popularized this type. And the turbine is a breakthrough because, although low water levels (low height), still used as a potential energy, "he said proudly. For this second type, he has produced about 100 turbines. Turbine created after 2000 is booked Switzerland two units in 2006 valued at Rp 1 billion, and was installed at a dam in Switzerland.
Can be said to Eddy success in the turbine business since he was able to make the turbines are not only easy to install, but also relatively not difficult to be operated and maintained by local communities. He was also able to make a large or small turbines, which generate electric power about 100 watts to 200 thousand watts (200 kw). Turbine that can be installed in areas with low water level (2 meters), up for a waterfall.
The seriousness Eddy manage micro hydro turbine GTZ attention to micro-hydro technology transfer. Scoop was intercepted. And, since 2002 until now he became a partner GTZ.
Four years Cintek extraordinary developments. "Within a year demand reached 40 turbines or 160 turbines in four years," he said. Most of the electricity program enter the village through micro hydro installations, funded budgets and budget. Range 3-200 kw capacity. "I also make small turbines, which only produce 100-600 watts, because a lot of demand," he said.
Eddy claimed to do business in the field of micro-hydro and happiness with an experience in itself. She told him, he often visited a village that knows no electricity for many years. Then, when electricity is installed, the reaction of the villagers is extraordinary. They cry and so proud. "That's where my happiness," he said.
His success on the track MHP encourages the presence of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Purnomo Yusgiantoro visited the lab of nature and his workshop in Cihanjuang on February 24, 2007. A year later in early 2008, the Minister for the Acceleration of Disadvantaged Regions Lukman Edy had come there. The impact of the presence of these officials is very significant for the popularity of the company which now has 45 employees this. If before, turbine Cintek only in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan slightly, after the presence of the minister, Cintek turbines spread throughout Indonesia.
In addition, the project transaction value was higher. If you have previously booked the most expensive turbines worth USD 200 million (with a capacity of 125 thousand watts), after Eddy can get a more expensive turbine orders. For example, turbines worth USD 400 million with a capacity of 200 kw for a region in the West. Then, turbines worth USD 300 million to a mountainous area in Papua.
Not only local among the orderer Cintek, a number of foreign countries were ordered turbine product. Among others, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Malaysia and Timor Leste. The value of each project ranges from USD 200-250 million, with a capacity of 20-30 kw. According to him, actually Cintek been able to make larger turbines. Evidence, Cintek had manufactured turbines that can generate electricity at twice the 260 kw to Tajikistan.
Eddy said that currently about 90% of revenues associated with the turbine Cintek water comes from the government especially the Department of Mines and Energy. The remaining about 10% comes from private companies such as plantations, factories, and government organizations.
Success in business does not make the turbines fast Eddy complacent. Six years ago (2005) he pioneered bandrek instant beverage packaging business. "At first many people doubted me about people's economic ability because my education. From there I made a tool of post-harvest processing such as drying, cutting to the grindstone, "he said.
Feeling pity production equipment did not function, he also developed the idea to sell coffee that has added sugar in the packaging. But lately this idea because he did not revert in accordance with the concept of business, that is if you want to start entrepreneurship do not start from the region who have worked on many others. And, he suddenly dawned to make bandrek disposable coffee. He believes a combination of drinks that do not exist in the market.
"Investing in equipment is almost zero dollars," said Eddy. The reason, he lived using equipment that has been made. If the taste or potions, who played his wife. "Every day we have to drink because there can be no change in taste," he said.
Eddy initially use only the labor of four men. That, too, from people in his own. Next, they learn about licensing, packaging and distribution of products into the shop. In the first year, the market response to the branded bandrek HANJUANG was very ugly. "Destroyed melting. because of his behavior a bit and the rest eaten by rats. Within a month an average loss of 50 kg. "
Entering the second year he evaluates. "We're trying to change the path of warungan into an exclusive product by going to the store by-by and the factory outlet," he said. Then, the picture on the packaging was changed, by describing a dynamic young man. Color also be varied and brighter. The result is good, there is increasing demand (repeat orders). From here there is interesting info, it turns out not a few fathers and mothers who complain do not drink strong coffee. Then Eddy finally make a new type of product that is bandrek without coffee with new packaging. "It turned out that the response is good," he said.
As a result, if in the first year the company sold only about 1 batch (200 sachets) per day, in the second year sales of up to 25 batches per day. Employees grew from four people in the first year to 10 people. After seeing the demand increase, in the second year Eddy releasing new items like Bajigur HANJUANG. In the third year, the company started making sekoteng and energy drinks or special adult bandrek namely Bandrek Specials. In this there is the content of ginseng products and betel nuts. Then came the next Tea Bandrek, Brown Bandrek, Rice Cikur (kencur rice beverage), Bandrek Coffee, and Coffee Bajigur. Total all now up to 9 items and products.
Now, the growth of branded HANJUANG bandrek very rapidly. Eddy disclosed, each day the company has 35 employees, the average selling 150 batches (9 items). 60% of which is contributed from items Bandrek HANJUANG and Bajigur HANJUANG, only the remaining 40% spread from 7 other items. The area that became the biggest buyers are West Java, which reached about 75% of the total turnover of the company.
In developing Bandrek HANJUANG, it works together with 500 crafters palm sugar in the Mountain Mist, Sukabumi, with a total production of one ton per day. "We do not want to use the sugar in the market. The goal is to get the best quality sugar, "said the father of two sons and one daughter of this. As for the ginger, the company works with suppliers from Lampung as much as 100 tons per year. On the other hand, he also uses the power of outsourcing (outsourcing) for packing.
Looking ahead, the husband of Milly Emalia (49 years) is planning a workshop production of water turbines bandrek and separated. "Now is currently in preparation," he said. Additionally, "In the next 3-4 years we expect to make turbines with a capacity of 1-2 Mw, it's only 0.25 Mw."
As for bandrek, he planned with the new location the company can produce 1,000 batches per day and involve 2-3 thousand people. "God willing, is in sight," she said firmly. He predicts the future revenues from bandrek will increase rapidly exceed the income from the turbine business. Currently, contribution revenue is still dominated Cintek turbine (60%) and the rest (40%) of product sachets of instant beverage packaging.
According to Agus Maryono, Director of Masters Program in Systems Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada, Eddy success is a combination of good skills with the entrepreneurial spirit that is formed from childhood. Agus disclosed, Eddy seems a lot to learn and was impressed with the struggle of his mother who developed sewing business. "Something that starts from the soul first and entrepreneurial skills have a chance to grow better and survive," he said giving reviews. He sees no problem if the business is conducted is a machine or bandrek. He saw Eddy is a typical entrepreneur who prorakyat so he tried to take advantage of existing human resources in their environment. "No less important, Eddy also had a happy disposition educate and investigate," said Agus appreciated.
bandrek traditional. How lika polytechnic graduates and turns of this struggle?
A number of guests from the Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), German social institution, is seen visiting the laboratory micro hydro area of 5 thousand m2 in Jl. Cihanjuang, Cimahi, West Java, when in one afternoon SWA arrived. Among them there are Gehart Fisher, Engineer and Mark Haiton microhydro GTZ, GTZ Project Manager. Permadi Eddy, founder of Core Engineering Cihanjuang CV (Cintek) who receive their own. Occasionally, this 52-year-old man spoke in fluent German.
Later, the name of Eddy was much discussed. Not only subscribers to his lab and workshop, but also among students, students, representatives of social agencies, local governments, to ministers. Polytechnic Alumni Achievement Mechanic Swiss-ITB (1980) is in raising Cintek was remarkable.
The company, founded in 1999, until the year 2007 have been successfully supplying turbines for Micro Hydro Power (MHP) to more than 200 locations in the country. Starting from the Land of Paradise Rencong to Earth. Some of the MHP was even built his own by Cintek, ranging from civil construction, electromechanical equipment, transmission and distribution mains to the surrounding community, for the installation into homes.
Seeing the figure, there's nothing special glimpse of the man born October 2, 1958 Sumedang this. Its appearance is unpretentious. Even his workshop feels small because of the large machinery and other goods that meet. Some layout engines and stuff looks irregular. But who would have thought Eddy with Cintek company, has been to attract a lot of appreciation. In 2004, ASEAN Hydro awarded Cintek Award. Kalpataru achieved in 2005. And Industrial Research Award for Work Results Terterapkan Technology in Energy Technology from the Ministry of Research and Technology, acquired in 2007.
Now the product design turbine electricity production MHP Cintek already patented in the DG of Intellectual Property Rights Department of Justice and Human Rights with HANJUANG name.
Interestingly, his success in pushing water turbine production business to pursue new business that is typical beverage West Java, bandrek and such. The brand that brought together the HANJUANG. Now a business drinks bandreknya showed outstanding performance. Eddy said, he has been marketing the 150 batches per day or 30 thousand per day packs bandrek (1 batch = 200 sachets).
As with any turbine business, in business bandrek Eddy also has won several awards. Among other things, the category Third Place Traditional Beverages Product Creation Special Area of Provincial Cimahi mayor in 2006. Also, Winner category Small and Medium Business Group Health Food Manufacturer of the State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2007.
Eddy entrepreneurial journey started from the fertilizer business that failed. Cause, a government regulation to categorize their products as a fertilizer industry so he must sell at a price aka expensive industry. As a result, a complete fertilizer multihara produced under the banner of Sammaniat it difficult to market. "In fact, with our fertilizer, can result in harvest 8 tons more, even in Sumedang be 12 tons. While generally only 6 tonnes / ha, "he said. Failure in business was started with 7 people in 1995 that his friend, encouraged her to try another pioneering effort in the field. Business turbine was chosen.
Of course the choice was his background. As a graduate of Engineering Department of ITB PMS (now Polytechnic Manufacturing Polman Bandung or Bandung - Ed.), Machining is not the foreign goods for him. Moreover, during the year 1984-1986, he had the opportunity to learn the science of metallurgy (metal casting) in Switzerland. Then in 1988-1989, he continued his education the same in Germany, and obtained a Master of Foundry Handelskamer Industrie Und Mittlerer Neckar from Stuttgard-Deutchland. These learning opportunities he gained from his campus (PMS-ITB) for the faculty where he was given the task of opening a new department, the science of metal casting.
In Germany, the eldest of five children fruit Nurgana Endy couple (a former mathematics lecturer IKIP Bandung) and (late) Ratnawati explores the importance of energy in building the local economy. Even he found the fact that the economic success achieved by European countries because there was a revolution before the energy. He saw the country's highly literate and appreciate the energy. As a country that has four seasons, they tried to optimally utilize water, wind and sun to produce energy. As a result, energy requirements still be met despite the extreme seasonal changes.
From these observations, he recalled that Indonesia has abundant water resources. "From that conviction, I try and make energy pioneer. Therefore, to move the wheels of our economy must start from the energy, "he said excitedly.
His first project (1999) is the Repairing (repair) turbines from Germany to the tea plantations in Bandung with a capacity of 200 thousand watts (200 kw). The first project is worth USD 25 million. At that time he was able to restore the capacity of a 15 year old machine to the level of the original capacity, aka 200 kw again. "After that response (market) started well. That's how confident I was growing up, "Eddy said. For the first project, he must first investment worth USD 20 million used to buy a lathe, welding, fres and milling. "Before I bought cicil each month. All these machines are purchased in stages, "he said bluntly.
A few months later, he received orders installation of turbines in one area in Sulawesi. "I forgot the name of the region," he said innocently. Projects that are part of the Japanese aid worth USD 60 million. Next, he received orders from the government installation of micro hydro power plant in West Java with a capacity of 12 thousand watts. This project included that he be proud of. Because the turbine propellers type (open flume) was installed in the river that only has a height of 4 feet, but able to illuminate the 120 heads of families in Leuwikiara, Cipatujah, Tarlac. "The technology exists, most of the water should be 10-20 feet tall. As for that height (4 feet) technology is almost non-existent, "he said proudly.
Furthermore, every year he got a 4-5 turbine project. At that time the employees reach 20-30 people. The location of his workshop in Cihanjuang initially only covering 800 m2, has now reached 1200 m2.
Eddy acknowledged, is not easy to introduce turbine business that they do to the society at that time. That is why, he felt the need to educate the market. Then, in 2000 he made a lab test pilot micro-hydro energy in Cihanjuang. Initially natural lab located in the rice fields of this area 200 m2. Now the area reached 5 thousand m2. In this lab customers and the public can see and learn how to process the water into electricity. The goal, not merely for commercial but also educational. "I got this land from the Village of North Cimahi," said the former professor of PMS this ITB.
Now, there are two types of turbines produced Cintek ie crossflow turbine (cross flow) and propellers (open flume). Crossflow turbine is a type of the first-Eddy (before 2000). If calculated from the beginning until now, he has released about 90 turbine crossflow across the country. Secondly, the turbine propellers. "We who popularized this type. And the turbine is a breakthrough because, although low water levels (low height), still used as a potential energy, "he said proudly. For this second type, he has produced about 100 turbines. Turbine created after 2000 is booked Switzerland two units in 2006 valued at Rp 1 billion, and was installed at a dam in Switzerland.
Can be said to Eddy success in the turbine business since he was able to make the turbines are not only easy to install, but also relatively not difficult to be operated and maintained by local communities. He was also able to make a large or small turbines, which generate electric power about 100 watts to 200 thousand watts (200 kw). Turbine that can be installed in areas with low water level (2 meters), up for a waterfall.
The seriousness Eddy manage micro hydro turbine GTZ attention to micro-hydro technology transfer. Scoop was intercepted. And, since 2002 until now he became a partner GTZ.
Four years Cintek extraordinary developments. "Within a year demand reached 40 turbines or 160 turbines in four years," he said. Most of the electricity program enter the village through micro hydro installations, funded budgets and budget. Range 3-200 kw capacity. "I also make small turbines, which only produce 100-600 watts, because a lot of demand," he said.
Eddy claimed to do business in the field of micro-hydro and happiness with an experience in itself. She told him, he often visited a village that knows no electricity for many years. Then, when electricity is installed, the reaction of the villagers is extraordinary. They cry and so proud. "That's where my happiness," he said.
His success on the track MHP encourages the presence of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Purnomo Yusgiantoro visited the lab of nature and his workshop in Cihanjuang on February 24, 2007. A year later in early 2008, the Minister for the Acceleration of Disadvantaged Regions Lukman Edy had come there. The impact of the presence of these officials is very significant for the popularity of the company which now has 45 employees this. If before, turbine Cintek only in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan slightly, after the presence of the minister, Cintek turbines spread throughout Indonesia.
In addition, the project transaction value was higher. If you have previously booked the most expensive turbines worth USD 200 million (with a capacity of 125 thousand watts), after Eddy can get a more expensive turbine orders. For example, turbines worth USD 400 million with a capacity of 200 kw for a region in the West. Then, turbines worth USD 300 million to a mountainous area in Papua.
Not only local among the orderer Cintek, a number of foreign countries were ordered turbine product. Among others, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Malaysia and Timor Leste. The value of each project ranges from USD 200-250 million, with a capacity of 20-30 kw. According to him, actually Cintek been able to make larger turbines. Evidence, Cintek had manufactured turbines that can generate electricity at twice the 260 kw to Tajikistan.
Eddy said that currently about 90% of revenues associated with the turbine Cintek water comes from the government especially the Department of Mines and Energy. The remaining about 10% comes from private companies such as plantations, factories, and government organizations.
Success in business does not make the turbines fast Eddy complacent. Six years ago (2005) he pioneered bandrek instant beverage packaging business. "At first many people doubted me about people's economic ability because my education. From there I made a tool of post-harvest processing such as drying, cutting to the grindstone, "he said.
Feeling pity production equipment did not function, he also developed the idea to sell coffee that has added sugar in the packaging. But lately this idea because he did not revert in accordance with the concept of business, that is if you want to start entrepreneurship do not start from the region who have worked on many others. And, he suddenly dawned to make bandrek disposable coffee. He believes a combination of drinks that do not exist in the market.
"Investing in equipment is almost zero dollars," said Eddy. The reason, he lived using equipment that has been made. If the taste or potions, who played his wife. "Every day we have to drink because there can be no change in taste," he said.
Eddy initially use only the labor of four men. That, too, from people in his own. Next, they learn about licensing, packaging and distribution of products into the shop. In the first year, the market response to the branded bandrek HANJUANG was very ugly. "Destroyed melting. because of his behavior a bit and the rest eaten by rats. Within a month an average loss of 50 kg. "
Entering the second year he evaluates. "We're trying to change the path of warungan into an exclusive product by going to the store by-by and the factory outlet," he said. Then, the picture on the packaging was changed, by describing a dynamic young man. Color also be varied and brighter. The result is good, there is increasing demand (repeat orders). From here there is interesting info, it turns out not a few fathers and mothers who complain do not drink strong coffee. Then Eddy finally make a new type of product that is bandrek without coffee with new packaging. "It turned out that the response is good," he said.
As a result, if in the first year the company sold only about 1 batch (200 sachets) per day, in the second year sales of up to 25 batches per day. Employees grew from four people in the first year to 10 people. After seeing the demand increase, in the second year Eddy releasing new items like Bajigur HANJUANG. In the third year, the company started making sekoteng and energy drinks or special adult bandrek namely Bandrek Specials. In this there is the content of ginseng products and betel nuts. Then came the next Tea Bandrek, Brown Bandrek, Rice Cikur (kencur rice beverage), Bandrek Coffee, and Coffee Bajigur. Total all now up to 9 items and products.
Now, the growth of branded HANJUANG bandrek very rapidly. Eddy disclosed, each day the company has 35 employees, the average selling 150 batches (9 items). 60% of which is contributed from items Bandrek HANJUANG and Bajigur HANJUANG, only the remaining 40% spread from 7 other items. The area that became the biggest buyers are West Java, which reached about 75% of the total turnover of the company.
In developing Bandrek HANJUANG, it works together with 500 crafters palm sugar in the Mountain Mist, Sukabumi, with a total production of one ton per day. "We do not want to use the sugar in the market. The goal is to get the best quality sugar, "said the father of two sons and one daughter of this. As for the ginger, the company works with suppliers from Lampung as much as 100 tons per year. On the other hand, he also uses the power of outsourcing (outsourcing) for packing.
Looking ahead, the husband of Milly Emalia (49 years) is planning a workshop production of water turbines bandrek and separated. "Now is currently in preparation," he said. Additionally, "In the next 3-4 years we expect to make turbines with a capacity of 1-2 Mw, it's only 0.25 Mw."
As for bandrek, he planned with the new location the company can produce 1,000 batches per day and involve 2-3 thousand people. "God willing, is in sight," she said firmly. He predicts the future revenues from bandrek will increase rapidly exceed the income from the turbine business. Currently, contribution revenue is still dominated Cintek turbine (60%) and the rest (40%) of product sachets of instant beverage packaging.
According to Agus Maryono, Director of Masters Program in Systems Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada, Eddy success is a combination of good skills with the entrepreneurial spirit that is formed from childhood. Agus disclosed, Eddy seems a lot to learn and was impressed with the struggle of his mother who developed sewing business. "Something that starts from the soul first and entrepreneurial skills have a chance to grow better and survive," he said giving reviews. He sees no problem if the business is conducted is a machine or bandrek. He saw Eddy is a typical entrepreneur who prorakyat so he tried to take advantage of existing human resources in their environment. "No less important, Eddy also had a happy disposition educate and investigate," said Agus appreciated.
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