Senin, 25 April 2011

Business for Hockey

Steps taken by businessmen, in the conduct of its business, diversify. There are realistic, some are not realistic. People who are realistic resort to improved management, training leadhership, tighten company rules, expand marketing network, and increase trust and customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, people who resort to unrealistic use the services of shamans, believed hockey, neptu born [1], or go to a sacred burial.
Many business people we see, when faced with a business panic, the race went to psychics or healers, to know the things unseen, which could help revive the business or businesses can find the form that brought hockey. What is even stranger, they visited the grave of the saints and sacred places to launch a provision, facilitate business lobby, helped raise the rank, and irrigate the fields are dry. They believe that the shrine has supernatural powers relating to the provision or other problems.
They do not realize that their actions are a form of kesyirikan and eliminate attitudes trust and reliance only to Ar-Razaq (Essence Giver of sustenance). In fact, the key to sustenance and the treasury of the earth is in the hands of God. As word of God in the letter of Al-Munafiqun, paragraph 7, which means, "In fact, Allah belong the keys of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand."
Muslim businessman had to leave the ways that it is unrealistic to develop their business. Moreover, shamans, or even go to sacred places because it will bring the wrath of God, also creates a sense of dependence on the creature and paranoid attitude in the business. Meanwhile, when a provision has become part of our livelihood then surely it will not run. As word of the Prophet, "If Adam's son ran away from the sustenance as he fled from death, sustenance will undoubtedly see him as the death of him." [2]
Similarly, confirmed the news was delivered by quacks. This attitude is a major breach in Islam, and may bring the wrath of God. The evidence is the hadith narrated Imraan ibn Husayn that the Prophet said, "Not from our group, people who determine the jinx on the basis of the signs of objects, birds, etc.; who asked and that convey, or ask the shaman and the mendukuninya, or are bewitching and requesting the magic for him, and anyone who makes gusset. Those who come to psychics and justify his words then surely he is an infidel of the minutes which was revealed to Muhammad. " [3]
About the law came to the shaman, Imam Al-Qurtubi said, "Mandatory for anyone who is able, whether preachers or others, to deny people who do the deed shamanism in the market, and provide a strong denial of anyone who went to the shaman. We must not be fooled because it conveys the news is true, because many people who come to them, or because they use the nickname 'expert knowledge'. Actually, they are not scientists, but a more precise is 'a fool' because they still do perbuaatan are forbidden. " [4]
There are a congregation who told me that he never use the services of shamans to popularize wares. Long story short, saying that leveled the shaman is true. Not long later, his business thrive, so he is wallowing in wealth, family pampered with luxury. In fact, he's confused about how to use the money. However, one day - because he could no longer meet the required commands the genie to her - in an instant his business ruined, his debts were piling up, and our suppliers incessant bill. She felt unable to face the heavy burden of his life, so he left his place of business and go to Jakarta. However, the jinn that had always helped himself and his family terrorized by the disturbances, in the form of small snakes that always comes up in every corner of the tiled floor of his house.
Behold, how they are being played by the shaman who has been working with colleagues from the jinn! Behold, how they afflict the entrepreneurs who are confused to find a solution!
After her relationship with the occult world is not smooth, her confidence is lost. He became weak and easy to despair. He does not know what else to do and start a business from anywhere. So far, in running his business, he always depend on the direction and psychic predictions.
Well, the case can be concluded that they are the ones who fear the future. They will be optimistic if it is described that bright future. Instead, they turned into a pessimist to say that its future bleak and unprofitable. If this is passed on and he does not repent and ask pardon of God to restore his faith in God, he will be the man who lost confidence. His life was filled with anxiety and fear the future.
Ends rather than the solution which gives ease, but it turned out that the condition worse. Like already fallen as he sat down, hit the stairs and hit the wall too. Therefore, should a Muslim businessman should remain istiqamah business in the face of obstacles, remain optimistic in the fall, while continuing to rise up to find solutions and ways out are accompanied by trust. What is important is to pray to God, begging for convenience and a way out, and get closer to Him with a variety of good deeds. Pursue the only one who has the Essence of sustenance, that is God! Do not just good fortune to pursue opportunities.
O Brother, sederhanalah in search of treasure. Do not be greedy and blindly without regard to religious rules, also do not tarnish the rights of others, because rezekimu not going to move into the hands of others. In living life, a slave only requires three pillars, because he will not succeed unless these three things: gratitude, seeking health, and repent with Nasuha repentance. [5]
-Footnotes:[1] Neptu birth: a tradition in the traditional calculation of birth dates of Java.[2] See also Saheeh al-Jami ', no. 5240.[3] Narrated by Al-Bazzar, as in Kasyful Astar, 3:9, no. 3044; Ath-Thabrani in Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir, 18:162, no. 355; mentioned by Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Jami ', 2:956.[4] See Ahkamul Qur'an, 2:44, by Al-Qurtubi.[5] See Al-Fawaid, pp. 288, by Ibn al-Qayyim.

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