I am a member of the "pegel" aka "entrepreneur of the economically weak". I sell a variety of seasonal merchandise at various sidewalk as the (merchandise) five feet. Sometimes, trade fruits during the fruit season, sometimes also trade toys during Lebaran and New Year. Well, I want to beg an explanation and information about business licenses and the management procedures.1. Are SMEs, especially micro level like me, must have a business license? What sanctions if I do not - or not - take care of business license, while I was running the business?2. What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?3. What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Sasmoyo (joebi **@****. com)
I thank Mr Sasmoyo which provides questions about business licensing process. Hopefully, the explanation which I describe later can provide a basic understanding of the business licensing process.
I felt salute to Mr. Sasmoyo, who had personally been aware of the importance of the business licensing process. Mass media, often, preaching about how local governments (through the Civil Service Police Unit) conducts enforcement activities to the street vendor.
Control needs to be done because most vendors disturb public order or other reasons in accordance with the policies of local government (local government). The phenomenon of control by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) it seemed to be a scourge for the street vendor. Fears such as this is reasonable because, typically, there is no legal process when trading on the sidewalk at the curb. In fact, when referring to the understanding as a Muslim, taking care of the business licensing process is part of obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allah ta'ala says, (which means), "O those who believe, obey Allah and obey the Apostle-(His), and ulil amri among you." (Surah An-Nisa ': 59)
Word of God is commanded Muslims to obey ulil amri (leader / government). Associated with trading activities, the government has required the need to have a trade license for the street vendor. This obligation shall constitute an invitation and a command that contains a lot of serious benefits. Therefore, it is inappropriate for a Muslim to obey it. Insha Allah, if the process of taking care of business licenses is intended to obey Allah and His Messenger, (the practice) would be worth worship and give blessing to the sustenance of the acquisition.
By definition of the term, "street vendors" is the 'seller of goods and or services, which are individually engaged in economic activities that use the area's roads or public facilities and temporary / not permanent, using equipment to move or not move'. That fall into the category of "area of the road" are all parts of the road, including buildings and equipment complement, which is reserved for traffic.
Most vendors use the sidewalk as the location for selling. In fact, also use public facilities as part of the business. For example: using the sewer to dispose of waste, part of the road as the parking lot of consumers who buy, and so forth.There are traditions that can be used as advice to the vendors if it will trade, namely the hadith about the level of faith in Islam. Here is his Hadith, "Faith has over seventy branches - or more than sixty branches -, the highest branch is the utterance 'la ilaha illa', and the lowest is to get rid of thorns (obstacle) from the road; and shame is one branch of faith. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 9; Muslim, no. 35; pronunciation is owned by Muslims from the companions of Abu Hurayrah)
In the hadith it is stated that to get rid of thorns (obstacle) of the road is the lowest branch of faith. This could be a material for introspection traders who trade on the street, so also keep the rights for other road users. Do not be, other merchandise or impede other road users.
Based on scale of its business, a business has four levels, namely micro, small, medium, and large. Typically, businesses with micro-level, small and medium enterprises were given the abbreviation "SME".
One problem faced by SMEs are relatively similar, so the handling of the matter is also relatively similar. Street vendors are categorized as micro-enterprise level. Usually, the main problem faced by the micro-level business is marketing and finance.
Initial designation of roads and road sections, in fact, is in the public interest, such as for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The use of part of the road as the location of trade, in fact, is the economic background. The road is the area closest to the potential consumer. It may be, traded on the roadside is a marketing concept for the street vendor. The closer to the road, hopefully, will more and more consumers who buy merchandise vendors. So that business interests do not clash with the interests of traders general road users will require permits issued by the government.
Local Government, typically, have had data on areas that could be used to trade vendors. Criteria for the area allocated by the government to trade, normally, the following criteria: security, spatial, cleanliness, beauty, order or public interest, health, social and economic. In addition, also arranged about the area, limit the use of the area, activity time, and place of activity.
Businesses that have a permit, in fact, has many advantages. Licensing business has been regulated by the Act, so that anyone should obey them. As a product of law, business licensing is intended to safeguard the common good and not harm other people. In fact, it will maintaining the sustainability of the process of trying or trade. By pocketing a business license, the traders have the right to be protected by the government, if (traders) to experience things that are not desirable and detrimental to the traders, such as: obtaining unauthorized charges.
Another advantage for traders who have permission are increasing public confidence to the trader. High-trust society that will allow merchants to obtain capital. Many government programs in the form of assistance, both financial and business training, to the traders. In addition, assistance can also come from financial institutions that are syar'i. Various alternatives of existing aid, if it be best utilized, will enlarge the business was started.
Directly related to the question Mr Sasmoyo:
First: In principle all trade must have a permit, which is called "Trading License" (SIUP) or "Business Registration Certificate" (TDP).
With its SIUP then the business will ensure their legality. The problem is how to obtain SIUP. In the era of autonomy, may be, every region has its own policy, including licensing management businesses (SMEs and so on). Of course, if you do not have the permission of the (traders) can be given sanctions, because the habit of street vendors who sell on the roadside would potentially interfere with the public interest. Various forms of sanctions, from which only give warning, eviction, jail and fines up to in terms of money.
In general, every street vendors are only allowed to have one license, and (permit it) is valid for one year and can be extended in accordance with the requirements. Permits can also be transferred to other parties, in accordance with the approval of the competent authority. Micro entrepreneurs (including street vendors), are often lazy to take care of license due process convoluted and long.
Second: What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?
The following general completeness to take care of business licenses:1. Fill out a business license application form.2. Copy of ID card.3. Letter of the statement "do not have a place of business."4. The letter claims the ability to maintain order, cleanliness, safety, and beauty, and function of public facilities.5. The letter claims the ability to restore or clear the location of the business without any conditions if the administration will use in the public interest.6. Letter of consent from the owner / authorization rights to the building / land directly adjacent to the road, if attempted in the area of road and / or parcels (a parcel of land with a certain size, ed.).7. Letter of consent from the owner / manager of public facilities, if using public facilities.8. Passport photo.9. Image of a location being applied.10. Recommendations from community vendors.
Third: What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Standard fees and permits no longer the same in each region. It seems, depends on government policy (in) targets and achieve the target revenue (PAD). However, at least, as an example and comparison, the time resolution permits approximately seven days. In fact, there are shorter term.
The problem of financing the licensing process, usually divided into three categories:1. Businesses that have the capital (of) 50 million rupiah. This category permits charged Rp 75.000, -.2. Small businesses that have a capital of 51 million rupiah to 200 million rupiah. Type of business license bears the cost of Rp 150.000, -.3. Medium business license, the capital (of) 201 million rupiah, cited the cost of business license (registration) Rp 300.000, -.
Currently, the process - so that can be given for free SIUP nationally - being deliberated. Ministry of Commerce (Kemendag) are being launched licensing program trading business (SIUP) for the street hawkers (street vendors) throughout Indonesia. This program must be supported by each local government, although there are still risks in the field because there are often extortion committed by certain parties. Called the "illegal" because the street vendors actually quite a role in the increase in PAD of an area. If (there is) illegal, then the money does not go into the local treasury.
For more details, please make confirmation to the Investment Board (Bapepam) and the local Office of Industry and Trade. Perhaps, in the location of Mr Sasmoyo, local governments have issued regulations that simplify and eliminate the process of taking care of SIUP.
Giving SIUP free of charge to the street vendors will have a tremendous impact. PKL arises because the formal sector is not able to accommodate the existing workforce. By giving free SIUP mean that the government guarantee and expand freedom of citizens to try. During this time, the provisions granting SIUP issued by respective local governments.
One area that is quite successful conduct of free SIUP and control of street vendors is the municipality of Solo, Central Java, West Sumatra Padang municipality), Bekasi, Medan, and several other cities.
A little advice for Mr Sasmoyo, the character of business which is based on the situation of seasonal and short term needs to the attention of financial management. If not regulated, there will be leaks because the variable costs of financial management and product turns. It's good, Mr Sasmoyo examines several types of products traded, which have a higher prospect of sustainability. Thus, Mr. Sasmoyo will be more focus to manage the entire business resources and business planning with a more mature, because it may be, energy, time, and costs will be increasingly difficult to predict in the future. Therefore, the necessary strategy of "focus".
So suggestions that I can convey. Insha Allah, in the end, Mr. Sasmoyo will have a business that increasingly advanced, developing, and able to provide income security in a sustainable future. Good luck to Mr Sasmoyo!
Republished from Muslim Entrepreneur Magazine, Rubric "Business Consulting", with editing by the editors grammar.
I am a member of the "pegel" aka "entrepreneur of the economically weak". I sell a variety of seasonal merchandise at various sidewalk as the (merchandise) five feet. Sometimes, trade fruits during the fruit season, sometimes also trade toys during Lebaran and New Year. Well, I want to beg an explanation and information about business licenses and the management procedures.1. Are SMEs, especially micro level like me, must have a business license? What sanctions if I do not - or not - take care of business license, while I was running the business?2. What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?3. What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Sasmoyo (joebi **@****. com)
I thank Mr Sasmoyo which provides questions about business licensing process. Hopefully, the explanation which I describe later can provide a basic understanding of the business licensing process.
I felt salute to Mr. Sasmoyo, who had personally been aware of the importance of the business licensing process. Mass media, often, preaching about how local governments (through the Civil Service Police Unit) conducts enforcement activities to the street vendor.
Control needs to be done because most vendors disturb public order or other reasons in accordance with the policies of local government (local government). The phenomenon of control by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) it seemed to be a scourge for the street vendor. Fears such as this is reasonable because, typically, there is no legal process when trading on the sidewalk at the curb. In fact, when referring to the understanding as a Muslim, taking care of the business licensing process is part of obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allah ta'ala says, (which means), "O those who believe, obey Allah and obey the Apostle-(His), and ulil amri among you." (Surah An-Nisa ': 59)
Word of God is commanded Muslims to obey ulil amri (leader / government). Associated with trading activities, the government has required the need to have a trade license for the street vendor. This obligation shall constitute an invitation and a command that contains a lot of serious benefits. Therefore, it is inappropriate for a Muslim to obey it. Insha Allah, if the process of taking care of business licenses is intended to obey Allah and His Messenger, (the practice) would be worth worship and give blessing to the sustenance of the acquisition.
By definition of the term, "street vendors" is the 'seller of goods and or services, which are individually engaged in economic activities that use the area's roads or public facilities and temporary / not permanent, using equipment to move or not move'. That fall into the category of "area of the road" are all parts of the road, including buildings and equipment complement, which is reserved for traffic.
Most vendors use the sidewalk as the location for selling. In fact, also use public facilities as part of the business. For example: using the sewer to dispose of waste, part of the road as the parking lot of consumers who buy, and so forth.There are traditions that can be used as advice to the vendors if it will trade, namely the hadith about the level of faith in Islam. Here is his Hadith, "Faith has over seventy branches - or more than sixty branches -, the highest branch is the utterance 'la ilaha illa', and the lowest is to get rid of thorns (obstacle) from the road; and shame is one branch of faith. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 9; Muslim, no. 35; pronunciation is owned by Muslims from the companions of Abu Hurayrah)
In the hadith it is stated that to get rid of thorns (obstacle) of the road is the lowest branch of faith. This could be a material for introspection traders who trade on the street, so also keep the rights for other road users. Do not be, other merchandise or impede other road users.
Based on scale of its business, a business has four levels, namely micro, small, medium, and large. Typically, businesses with micro-level, small and medium enterprises were given the abbreviation "SME".
One problem faced by SMEs are relatively similar, so the handling of the matter is also relatively similar. Street vendors are categorized as micro-enterprise level. Usually, the main problem faced by the micro-level business is marketing and finance.
Initial designation of roads and road sections, in fact, is in the public interest, such as for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The use of part of the road as the location of trade, in fact, is the economic background. The road is the area closest to the potential consumer. It may be, traded on the roadside is a marketing concept for the street vendor. The closer to the road, hopefully, will more and more consumers who buy merchandise vendors. So that business interests do not clash with the interests of traders general road users will require permits issued by the government.
Local Government, typically, have had data on areas that could be used to trade vendors. Criteria for the area allocated by the government to trade, normally, the following criteria: security, spatial, cleanliness, beauty, order or public interest, health, social and economic. In addition, also arranged about the area, limit the use of the area, activity time, and place of activity.
Businesses that have a permit, in fact, has many advantages. Licensing business has been regulated by the Act, so that anyone should obey them. As a product of law, business licensing is intended to safeguard the common good and not harm other people. In fact, it will maintaining the sustainability of the process of trying or trade. By pocketing a business license, the traders have the right to be protected by the government, if (traders) to experience things that are not desirable and detrimental to the traders, such as: obtaining unauthorized charges.
Another advantage for traders who have permission are increasing public confidence to the trader. High-trust society that will allow merchants to obtain capital. Many government programs in the form of assistance, both financial and business training, to the traders. In addition, assistance can also come from financial institutions that are syar'i. Various alternatives of existing aid, if it be best utilized, will enlarge the business was started.
Directly related to the question Mr Sasmoyo:
First: In principle all trade must have a permit, which is called "Trading License" (SIUP) or "Business Registration Certificate" (TDP).
With its SIUP then the business will ensure their legality. The problem is how to obtain SIUP. In the era of autonomy, may be, every region has its own policy, including licensing management businesses (SMEs and so on). Of course, if you do not have the permission of the (traders) can be given sanctions, because the habit of street vendors who sell on the roadside would potentially interfere with the public interest. Various forms of sanctions, from which only give warning, eviction, jail and fines up to in terms of money.
In general, every street vendors are only allowed to have one license, and (permit it) is valid for one year and can be extended in accordance with the requirements. Permits can also be transferred to other parties, in accordance with the approval of the competent authority. Micro entrepreneurs (including street vendors), are often lazy to take care of license due process convoluted and long.
Second: What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?
The following general completeness to take care of business licenses:1. Fill out a business license application form.2. Copy of ID card.3. Letter of the statement "do not have a place of business."4. The letter claims the ability to maintain order, cleanliness, safety, and beauty, and function of public facilities.5. The letter claims the ability to restore or clear the location of the business without any conditions if the administration will use in the public interest.6. Letter of consent from the owner / authorization rights to the building / land directly adjacent to the road, if attempted in the area of road and / or parcels (a parcel of land with a certain size, ed.).7. Letter of consent from the owner / manager of public facilities, if using public facilities.8. Passport photo.9. Image of a location being applied.10. Recommendations from community vendors.
Third: What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Standard fees and permits no longer the same in each region. It seems, depends on government policy (in) targets and achieve the target revenue (PAD). However, at least, as an example and comparison, the time resolution permits approximately seven days. In fact, there are shorter term.
The problem of financing the licensing process, usually divided into three categories:1. Businesses that have the capital (of) 50 million rupiah. This category permits charged Rp 75.000, -.2. Small businesses that have a capital of 51 million rupiah to 200 million rupiah. Type of business license bears the cost of Rp 150.000, -.3. Medium business license, the capital (of) 201 million rupiah, cited the cost of business license (registration) Rp 300.000, -.
Currently, the process - so that can be given for free SIUP nationally - being deliberated. Ministry of Commerce (Kemendag) are being launched licensing program trading business (SIUP) for the street hawkers (street vendors) throughout Indonesia. This program must be supported by each local government, although there are still risks in the field because there are often extortion committed by certain parties. Called the "illegal" because the street vendors actually quite a role in the increase in PAD of an area. If (there is) illegal, then the money does not go into the local treasury.
For more details, please make confirmation to the Investment Board (Bapepam) and the local Office of Industry and Trade. Perhaps, in the location of Mr Sasmoyo, local governments have issued regulations that simplify and eliminate the process of taking care of SIUP.
Giving SIUP free of charge to the street vendors will have a tremendous impact. PKL arises because the formal sector is not able to accommodate the existing workforce. By giving free SIUP mean that the government guarantee and expand freedom of citizens to try. During this time, the provisions granting SIUP issued by respective local governments.
One area that is quite successful conduct of free SIUP and control of street vendors is the municipality of Solo, Central Java, West Sumatra Padang municipality), Bekasi, Medan, and several other cities.
A little advice for Mr Sasmoyo, the character of business which is based on the situation of seasonal and short term needs to the attention of financial management. If not regulated, there will be leaks because the variable costs of financial management and product turns. It's good, Mr Sasmoyo examines several types of products traded, which have a higher prospect of sustainability. Thus, Mr. Sasmoyo will be more focus to manage the entire business resources and business planning with a more mature, because it may be, energy, time, and costs will be increasingly difficult to predict in the future. Therefore, the necessary strategy of "focus".
So suggestions that I can convey. Insha Allah, in the end, Mr. Sasmoyo will have a business that increasingly advanced, developing, and able to provide income security in a sustainable future. Good luck to Mr Sasmoyo!
Republished from Muslim Entrepreneur Magazine, Rubric "Business Consulting", with editing by the editors grammar.
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