Senin, 25 April 2011

7 Key Finding Ideal Partner

7 Key Finding Ideal Partner
In the world of small business, there is often a common request: find the ideal business partner. This usually stems from the need to "remove" the role or job we do. Such as marketing, finance or sales.
I noticed when starting a business in which I feel desperate to find colleagues who control marketing and sales with better than me. I feel confident if I could let go of my shoulders and focus on becoming a great coach then my business will thrive! Yes .. four years later, I have never found it but my colleague found a way to grow the business.
I realize the value of partnership marketing.
Marketing Partners are other entrepreneurs who are willing to cross market your products and services to prospects and clients.
Not everyone is into "an ideal companion candidate." Sometimes you have to clarify with whom you want to play so you do not have too many choices. So I will share 7 keys to finding the ideal partner.
Mindset Partners. Does the person have the necessary criteria as a partner? Not everyone can. In fact, some people become poor because their colleagues are too independent or they do not like to play with other people. It is important to understand why someone pursuing these partnerships. Do they want a quick sale or they are eager to join you in business long term?
Value Alignment. By knowing the top three values, it can help you clarify what is needed for the long term. If a person's core values ​​are independence and the other is a collaboration, perhaps the approach taken to achieve the goal will be heavy. This is needed if you work together in completing the project.
Sharing the vision. Do you share a passion for the resulting output? Did you both see the same output? Or if someone wants to let go of their opportunities and others want to have cooperation in the long term. Have you ever met a married couple where one wanted the other child is not? Finally they parted. Sharing a vision for the resulting output is important to maintain harmony in relationships.
Compatible work styles. This is very important. Are you both dreamed of working with the long hours and hard to reach the goal?. Does the person have children who most need their attention? Are you both willing to do anything to get the job done?
Complementary strengths. If you both like the same thing and no one was willing to do other work, then you will be working to finish the job. Will you be delegated to another party?
Make sure you both have the qualifications to perform your role - or others that can cause stress and disappointment.
When you take the time to dig out your best interest to make the material a good cooperation, I encourage you to take the time to dig out if your business associates will be a "companion" is good. There's nothing worse than when in the midst of the project you realize do not like doing business with that person.
When you dig up the key on and ready to go, uncertainty to set a treaty (I suggest you have a contract). If you follow the steps in the method of goal that can not be unstoppable, you will realize that you have a strong foundation to create success together "intolerable."
Happy partnering!
Author: Melanie Benson Strick, Entrepreneur Success Coach, teaches entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can generate more income, freedom and good name is better.
Translated by: Iin - Team Pengusahamuslim.comArticle:

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Smile for Customers

Compare the following two faces: smile and frown. The reaction of people who see both these expressions will have different perceptions. People who are smiling off, have the power to make others feel happy and carefree. When someone sees someone else being sullen, usually tend to stay away. Although, there are also approached to find out why people were sullen.
Similarly, when you interact with others in business, a smile can perpetuate your transaction. Your friendly attitude that makes customers feel safe and comfortable spending the money for your product. It may be that your product actually is almost the same specs with your competitor's product. However, when you respond to customers by approaching the nature of his humanity, then the consumer will get satisfaction leads to loyalty.
A smile will also has a positive impact on your psychological. The smile was able to create excitement, create a cheerful atmosphere, helping to develop good wishes in business, inspiring, and strengthening relationships with other people. And, with a smile, you can set the feeling. So, you become more energized and enabled to serve customers better, or sell it effectively.
No home smiling, you know. You must do it with sincerity smile that comes from behind your heart. Jamil Azzaini an inspiration of success with Cubic book Leadership, offers tips sincere smile that is named with "Smiles 227". How, when he smiled, drag it to the top left corner of the lips throughout the two-centimeter, two centi-right corner of the lips, and developed over seven seconds duration . smile like this is called Jamil Azzaini with a sincere smile. And, no-nonsense smile like the smile of service excellent according to the SOP (Standard Oprational Procedure) alone.
Tjantana Jusman said one critical factor in many enterprise customer service turns out to be friendliness that radiates from behind the smiles of its employees. In terms of feeling, a smile is the most efficacious drug to overcome kekurangberuntungan heart and soul, even war. With a smile, can eliminate the sadness, down in the mouth, anxiety, and restlessness. When you find a lot of issues that twisted your mind, try to smile sincerely. So, for you can feel the load becomes lighter.
Activities smiled often performed by the Prophet shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam. Prophet's life is always adorned with a smile. The friend is a witness to a life full of smiles. Abdullah bin Al-Harith radliallahu'anhu said, which meant "Never did I see someone who lebuh many smiles than the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi). In a history also mentioned, "I've never found one of the most widely smiling like shallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa sallam." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi).
The smile has many benefits in helping your service to consumers. Some of the benefits of a smile that is associated with the service, among others:
a. Smiling Makes You Being Seen More Interesting
With a smile to others will make you look more attractive. Because, neat and attractive appearance is one of the things that affect the success of a service. If you look bad and memorable carelessly, so consumers will not want to get in touch with you. A neat appearance is necessary. However, even though you look so attractive, if always put a long face then the services that you do not will never succeed. Therefore, in addition to a neat appearance, a smile is needed for you appear more attractive appearance.
b. Smiling Makes You Look More Successful
Prospective customers will feel more confident about the quality of the services you offer, if you look so confident and looking like someone who is successful. Apart from excellent performances, compelling style, and grammar is good, the smile was to be done to make someone seem more successful. Because successful performance memorable and convincing, usually increase consumer confidence to the services provided by the company.
c. Smiling Makes You Tend to Think Positively
If you smile, then the liver will also feel more comfortable and capable of accepting all the existing circumstances. In carrying out its service to consumers, sometimes you also receive unpleasant treatment. However, if we try to keep smiling and sincere and not continue to grumble, then it will help you to always think positively face the reality that exists. Next, you will be able to solve problems faced by consumers. Consumers will feel that the services provided by your company is very satisfactory.
d. Mood Change Someone Smile
In providing services, sometimes you experience something unpleasant from the consumer. Moreover, if the consumer is in a bad mood. A smile is an effective way to clarify the existing situation. Because, when you are not stuck with the mood of consumers are more bad and keep smiling at him, then it can clarify the existing situation and change the mood of consumers who initially bad for the better. So, he eventually will feel the satisfaction when utilizing the services of your company.
A smile is a symbol of optimism, sympathy, empathy, joy, positive thinking, friendship and more positive attitudes. There is no harm in it if you always make your lips to smile? In addition you will more easily interact with your customers, a smile can be the beginning of kerberhasilan your business. Smile. (Ilham / multiple sources)
Source: Muslim Entrepreneur Magazine May 2010 EditionArticles

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Handling Business License

I am a member of the "pegel" aka "entrepreneur of the economically weak". I sell a variety of seasonal merchandise at various sidewalk as the (merchandise) five feet. Sometimes, trade fruits during the fruit season, sometimes also trade toys during Lebaran and New Year. Well, I want to beg an explanation and information about business licenses and the management procedures.1. Are SMEs, especially micro level like me, must have a business license? What sanctions if I do not - or not - take care of business license, while I was running the business?2. What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?3. What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Sasmoyo (joebi **@****. com)
I thank Mr Sasmoyo which provides questions about business licensing process. Hopefully, the explanation which I describe later can provide a basic understanding of the business licensing process.
I felt salute to Mr. Sasmoyo, who had personally been aware of the importance of the business licensing process. Mass media, often, preaching about how local governments (through the Civil Service Police Unit) conducts enforcement activities to the street vendor.
Control needs to be done because most vendors disturb public order or other reasons in accordance with the policies of local government (local government). The phenomenon of control by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) it seemed to be a scourge for the street vendor. Fears such as this is reasonable because, typically, there is no legal process when trading on the sidewalk at the curb. In fact, when referring to the understanding as a Muslim, taking care of the business licensing process is part of obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allah ta'ala says, (which means), "O those who believe, obey Allah and obey the Apostle-(His), and ulil amri among you." (Surah An-Nisa ': 59)
Word of God is commanded Muslims to obey ulil amri (leader / government). Associated with trading activities, the government has required the need to have a trade license for the street vendor. This obligation shall constitute an invitation and a command that contains a lot of serious benefits. Therefore, it is inappropriate for a Muslim to obey it. Insha Allah, if the process of taking care of business licenses is intended to obey Allah and His Messenger, (the practice) would be worth worship and give blessing to the sustenance of the acquisition.
By definition of the term, "street vendors" is the 'seller of goods and or services, which are individually engaged in economic activities that use the area's roads or public facilities and temporary / not permanent, using equipment to move or not move'. That fall into the category of "area of ​​the road" are all parts of the road, including buildings and equipment complement, which is reserved for traffic.
Most vendors use the sidewalk as the location for selling. In fact, also use public facilities as part of the business. For example: using the sewer to dispose of waste, part of the road as the parking lot of consumers who buy, and so forth.There are traditions that can be used as advice to the vendors if it will trade, namely the hadith about the level of faith in Islam. Here is his Hadith, "Faith has over seventy branches - or more than sixty branches -, the highest branch is the utterance 'la ilaha illa', and the lowest is to get rid of thorns (obstacle) from the road; and shame is one branch of faith. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 9; Muslim, no. 35; pronunciation is owned by Muslims from the companions of Abu Hurayrah)
In the hadith it is stated that to get rid of thorns (obstacle) of the road is the lowest branch of faith. This could be a material for introspection traders who trade on the street, so also keep the rights for other road users. Do not be, other merchandise or impede other road users.
Based on scale of its business, a business has four levels, namely micro, small, medium, and large. Typically, businesses with micro-level, small and medium enterprises were given the abbreviation "SME".
One problem faced by SMEs are relatively similar, so the handling of the matter is also relatively similar. Street vendors are categorized as micro-enterprise level. Usually, the main problem faced by the micro-level business is marketing and finance.
Initial designation of roads and road sections, in fact, is in the public interest, such as for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The use of part of the road as the location of trade, in fact, is the economic background. The road is the area closest to the potential consumer. It may be, traded on the roadside is a marketing concept for the street vendor. The closer to the road, hopefully, will more and more consumers who buy merchandise vendors. So that business interests do not clash with the interests of traders general road users will require permits issued by the government.
Local Government, typically, have had data on areas that could be used to trade vendors. Criteria for the area allocated by the government to trade, normally, the following criteria: security, spatial, cleanliness, beauty, order or public interest, health, social and economic. In addition, also arranged about the area, limit the use of the area, activity time, and place of activity.
Businesses that have a permit, in fact, has many advantages. Licensing business has been regulated by the Act, so that anyone should obey them. As a product of law, business licensing is intended to safeguard the common good and not harm other people. In fact, it will maintaining the sustainability of the process of trying or trade. By pocketing a business license, the traders have the right to be protected by the government, if (traders) to experience things that are not desirable and detrimental to the traders, such as: obtaining unauthorized charges.
Another advantage for traders who have permission are increasing public confidence to the trader. High-trust society that will allow merchants to obtain capital. Many government programs in the form of assistance, both financial and business training, to the traders. In addition, assistance can also come from financial institutions that are syar'i. Various alternatives of existing aid, if it be best utilized, will enlarge the business was started.
Directly related to the question Mr Sasmoyo:
First: In principle all trade must have a permit, which is called "Trading License" (SIUP) or "Business Registration Certificate" (TDP).
With its SIUP then the business will ensure their legality. The problem is how to obtain SIUP. In the era of autonomy, may be, every region has its own policy, including licensing management businesses (SMEs and so on). Of course, if you do not have the permission of the (traders) can be given sanctions, because the habit of street vendors who sell on the roadside would potentially interfere with the public interest. Various forms of sanctions, from which only give warning, eviction, jail and fines up to in terms of money.
In general, every street vendors are only allowed to have one license, and (permit it) is valid for one year and can be extended in accordance with the requirements. Permits can also be transferred to other parties, in accordance with the approval of the competent authority. Micro entrepreneurs (including street vendors), are often lazy to take care of license due process convoluted and long.
Second: What are the completeness and take care of business license requirements?
The following general completeness to take care of business licenses:1. Fill out a business license application form.2. Copy of ID card.3. Letter of the statement "do not have a place of business."4. The letter claims the ability to maintain order, cleanliness, safety, and beauty, and function of public facilities.5. The letter claims the ability to restore or clear the location of the business without any conditions if the administration will use in the public interest.6. Letter of consent from the owner / authorization rights to the building / land directly adjacent to the road, if attempted in the area of ​​road and / or parcels (a parcel of land with a certain size, ed.).7. Letter of consent from the owner / manager of public facilities, if using public facilities.8. Passport photo.9. Image of a location being applied.10. Recommendations from community vendors.
Third: What is the standard cost and duration of the maintenance of a business license?
Standard fees and permits no longer the same in each region. It seems, depends on government policy (in) targets and achieve the target revenue (PAD). However, at least, as an example and comparison, the time resolution permits approximately seven days. In fact, there are shorter term.
The problem of financing the licensing process, usually divided into three categories:1. Businesses that have the capital (of) 50 million rupiah. This category permits charged Rp 75.000, -.2. Small businesses that have a capital of 51 million rupiah to 200 million rupiah. Type of business license bears the cost of Rp 150.000, -.3. Medium business license, the capital (of) 201 million rupiah, cited the cost of business license (registration) Rp 300.000, -.
Currently, the process - so that can be given for free SIUP nationally - being deliberated. Ministry of Commerce (Kemendag) are being launched licensing program trading business (SIUP) for the street hawkers (street vendors) throughout Indonesia. This program must be supported by each local government, although there are still risks in the field because there are often extortion committed by certain parties. Called the "illegal" because the street vendors actually quite a role in the increase in PAD of an area. If (there is) illegal, then the money does not go into the local treasury.
For more details, please make confirmation to the Investment Board (Bapepam) and the local Office of Industry and Trade. Perhaps, in the location of Mr Sasmoyo, local governments have issued regulations that simplify and eliminate the process of taking care of SIUP.
Giving SIUP free of charge to the street vendors will have a tremendous impact. PKL arises because the formal sector is not able to accommodate the existing workforce. By giving free SIUP mean that the government guarantee and expand freedom of citizens to try. During this time, the provisions granting SIUP issued by respective local governments.
One area that is quite successful conduct of free SIUP and control of street vendors is the municipality of Solo, Central Java, West Sumatra Padang municipality), Bekasi, Medan, and several other cities.
A little advice for Mr Sasmoyo, the character of business which is based on the situation of seasonal and short term needs to the attention of financial management. If not regulated, there will be leaks because the variable costs of financial management and product turns. It's good, Mr Sasmoyo examines several types of products traded, which have a higher prospect of sustainability. Thus, Mr. Sasmoyo will be more focus to manage the entire business resources and business planning with a more mature, because it may be, energy, time, and costs will be increasingly difficult to predict in the future. Therefore, the necessary strategy of "focus".
So suggestions that I can convey. Insha Allah, in the end, Mr. Sasmoyo will have a business that increasingly advanced, developing, and able to provide income security in a sustainable future. Good luck to Mr Sasmoyo!
Republished from Muslim Entrepreneur Magazine, Rubric "Business Consulting", with editing by the editors grammar.

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10 Reading is important for Muslim Entrepreneurs

Inshallah Muslim businessman who is always blessed by God Almighty, on this occasion, we present 10 articles important advice for Muslim merchants and entrepreneurs who have been published on this beloved website, Hopefully by reviewing again the following advice, can be beneficial to the Muslims, especially the traders and businessmen. We pray, hope of success (the world and the Hereafter) always mewarnahi your life. Jazakumullah Khaira.

Here, 10 interesting article, God willing, very beneficial to you, happy reading!

1. Ethical Trade
2. Adab Owe; Can Owe?
3. O Brother, Let Us Reflecting on Death
4. Advice Ulama Previous - Provisions for Entrepreneurs
5. In accordance with God against you Muamalah Muamalahmu Against His Servant
6. Usahawan Muslim Morals
7. Corruption Watch out!
8. Be careful with bribe money
9. Behind Honesty A Dealer
10. Workers Be Good, Do not Beg


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Business for Hockey

Steps taken by businessmen, in the conduct of its business, diversify. There are realistic, some are not realistic. People who are realistic resort to improved management, training leadhership, tighten company rules, expand marketing network, and increase trust and customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, people who resort to unrealistic use the services of shamans, believed hockey, neptu born [1], or go to a sacred burial.
Many business people we see, when faced with a business panic, the race went to psychics or healers, to know the things unseen, which could help revive the business or businesses can find the form that brought hockey. What is even stranger, they visited the grave of the saints and sacred places to launch a provision, facilitate business lobby, helped raise the rank, and irrigate the fields are dry. They believe that the shrine has supernatural powers relating to the provision or other problems.
They do not realize that their actions are a form of kesyirikan and eliminate attitudes trust and reliance only to Ar-Razaq (Essence Giver of sustenance). In fact, the key to sustenance and the treasury of the earth is in the hands of God. As word of God in the letter of Al-Munafiqun, paragraph 7, which means, "In fact, Allah belong the keys of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand."
Muslim businessman had to leave the ways that it is unrealistic to develop their business. Moreover, shamans, or even go to sacred places because it will bring the wrath of God, also creates a sense of dependence on the creature and paranoid attitude in the business. Meanwhile, when a provision has become part of our livelihood then surely it will not run. As word of the Prophet, "If Adam's son ran away from the sustenance as he fled from death, sustenance will undoubtedly see him as the death of him." [2]
Similarly, confirmed the news was delivered by quacks. This attitude is a major breach in Islam, and may bring the wrath of God. The evidence is the hadith narrated Imraan ibn Husayn that the Prophet said, "Not from our group, people who determine the jinx on the basis of the signs of objects, birds, etc.; who asked and that convey, or ask the shaman and the mendukuninya, or are bewitching and requesting the magic for him, and anyone who makes gusset. Those who come to psychics and justify his words then surely he is an infidel of the minutes which was revealed to Muhammad. " [3]
About the law came to the shaman, Imam Al-Qurtubi said, "Mandatory for anyone who is able, whether preachers or others, to deny people who do the deed shamanism in the market, and provide a strong denial of anyone who went to the shaman. We must not be fooled because it conveys the news is true, because many people who come to them, or because they use the nickname 'expert knowledge'. Actually, they are not scientists, but a more precise is 'a fool' because they still do perbuaatan are forbidden. " [4]
There are a congregation who told me that he never use the services of shamans to popularize wares. Long story short, saying that leveled the shaman is true. Not long later, his business thrive, so he is wallowing in wealth, family pampered with luxury. In fact, he's confused about how to use the money. However, one day - because he could no longer meet the required commands the genie to her - in an instant his business ruined, his debts were piling up, and our suppliers incessant bill. She felt unable to face the heavy burden of his life, so he left his place of business and go to Jakarta. However, the jinn that had always helped himself and his family terrorized by the disturbances, in the form of small snakes that always comes up in every corner of the tiled floor of his house.
Behold, how they are being played by the shaman who has been working with colleagues from the jinn! Behold, how they afflict the entrepreneurs who are confused to find a solution!
After her relationship with the occult world is not smooth, her confidence is lost. He became weak and easy to despair. He does not know what else to do and start a business from anywhere. So far, in running his business, he always depend on the direction and psychic predictions.
Well, the case can be concluded that they are the ones who fear the future. They will be optimistic if it is described that bright future. Instead, they turned into a pessimist to say that its future bleak and unprofitable. If this is passed on and he does not repent and ask pardon of God to restore his faith in God, he will be the man who lost confidence. His life was filled with anxiety and fear the future.
Ends rather than the solution which gives ease, but it turned out that the condition worse. Like already fallen as he sat down, hit the stairs and hit the wall too. Therefore, should a Muslim businessman should remain istiqamah business in the face of obstacles, remain optimistic in the fall, while continuing to rise up to find solutions and ways out are accompanied by trust. What is important is to pray to God, begging for convenience and a way out, and get closer to Him with a variety of good deeds. Pursue the only one who has the Essence of sustenance, that is God! Do not just good fortune to pursue opportunities.
O Brother, sederhanalah in search of treasure. Do not be greedy and blindly without regard to religious rules, also do not tarnish the rights of others, because rezekimu not going to move into the hands of others. In living life, a slave only requires three pillars, because he will not succeed unless these three things: gratitude, seeking health, and repent with Nasuha repentance. [5]
-Footnotes:[1] Neptu birth: a tradition in the traditional calculation of birth dates of Java.[2] See also Saheeh al-Jami ', no. 5240.[3] Narrated by Al-Bazzar, as in Kasyful Astar, 3:9, no. 3044; Ath-Thabrani in Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir, 18:162, no. 355; mentioned by Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Jami ', 2:956.[4] See Ahkamul Qur'an, 2:44, by Al-Qurtubi.[5] See Al-Fawaid, pp. 288, by Ibn al-Qayyim.

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10 Inspiring Reading Success for Muslim Entrepreneurs

Speaking about the success of all people would want it. Whether it's officials, farmers, traders, students, or ordinary people, all always dreamed of becoming wealthy, is no exception for the Muslim businessman. Successful entrepreneurs not only rich in material. A successful entrepreneur is a successful businessman the world, or in the next. That's the Muslim businessman.

Well, to fill the holiday this weekend, we present ten (10) inspirational reading for the Muslim businessman. Hopefully, the following articles can be beneficial to the Muslims, particularly Muslim Entrepreneurs (not including the prospective employers). May success always dye your life, biidznillah. Happy reading!

1. Verses Success (A Valuable Experience for Entrepreneurs Muslim)

2. Entrepreneur Success World and the Hereafter, possible?

3. Ways of Being Muslim So Entrepreneur

4. Stop Wishing and Start Acting

5. How Management Training Brings Success to you?

6. Everyone Can Achieve Success

7. O Brother, Know Yourself!

8. Home Based Business in Weekend, Why Not?

9. 5 Key Business Success

10. 10 Rules For Your Business Success


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Kamis, 21 April 2011

Business Opportunities Soy Milk, Soy Sari Business Enchanting

Indonesia is rich in biological wealth. Correct processing would make Indonesia as the country's wealthy. Well ... one of Indonesia's natural wealth has been less fully utilized include soybeans. During this soy is used only for basic materials tempeh and tofu. In fact, soybean can be processed into other products with high sales value.
peluang bisnis susu kedelai 
One way to increase the selling value of soybean is to make soy milk. Soy milk is dairy products processed from soya are ground with soy milk machine. Soy milk machine you can get in Soy Milk. net

To illustrate how the value of soybean sales will skyrocket is like this. 1 kg of soybean, can be processed into about 30-50 wrap packaging that valued USD 1000-USD 1500 / pack. While the price of crude soybean ranges from Rp 5,500 - Rp 6,500 / kg. From here you can imagine how many benefits you can get from this soy milk business. This business can be a side business or your primary business

Business Opportunities Soy Milk

As we explained above, soy milk business opportunity is open to anyone. Starting a business is also very easy. Capital that you need only soy milk maker. Raw soybeans also easy for you to get.

What about marketing? Soy milk tastes quite delicious. So that soy milk is highly preferred by children to adults. Soy milk can also be given additional flavorings and additional dye, to attract consumers.
Benefits and efficacy Susus Soybean

Soy milk in addition to delicious, it has many benefits and rewards. Among the benefits and efficacy of soy milk, among others:

    1.Overcome Lactose Intolerensi.
    2.Minumam for People with autism.
    3.Drinks for Vegetarians
    4.Reduce Blood Cholesterol Levels.
    5, Prevent Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke.
    6.Prevent Diabetes Mellitus.
    7.Inhibition Prevent Menopause and Osteoporosis.
    8.Prevent Migraine
    9.Anti-Cancer drinks.
   10.Prevent Aging (Anti Aging).

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Strategies to create a vision

According to Peter F. Drucker, the foundation of effective leadership is thinking about the vision and mission of the organization, define, and enforce a clear and real. Leaders set goals, determine priorities, and establish and monitor standards.
Meanwhile, according to Tony Buzan in the book The Power of Spiritual Intelligence, the vision is defined as the ability to think or plan for the future wisely and imaginatively, using a mental picture of a situation that can and might happen in the future. Company's vision is a desire that is the ideal company is carefully formulated, which determine the direction or future circumstances. The researchers saw a vision as being important for leadership, strategy implementation and change (Doz & Prahalad, 1987; Hunt, 1991; Kotter, 1990; Robbins & Duncan, 1988; Sashkin, 1988).
Thus the vision is the starting point of fact a company tomorrow. The vision that really is a very powerful idea that can make the initial leap into the future by combining all the resources to realize this vision. The vision that really have traction and causing others to make a commitment, generate energy and enthusiasm, able to create meaning for the life of the company, able to create standards that can be used to measure the success of the company, can be used outsiders (customers) to measure the benefits of her company, became The main bridge between what the business does now with what the company wants in the future, is the main prerequisite for a strategic moment and is the basis for formulating the company's mission. Intel has a vision of continually pushing the boundaries of innovation for people to make life more passionate, more fulfilled and easier to manage. Intel's strong commitment to moving technology forward has been made towards transforming the world by leaps and bound. Intel is a company that is in constant motion, burning, creating an industry that never breaks. Intel inspire partners to develop innovative products and services, industry mobilized to support can provide better solutions to the settlement collectively by providing greater benefits and faster.
Bill Gates at Microsoft's inception, had a vision of "A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft's device." And after Bill Gates created the MS-DOS, he makes the Windows operating system as well as home use windows (window), which led to Bill Gates became the world's richest entrepreneur. It is not really true that only Bill Gates alone is instrumental in putting PCs in offices and in homes around the world, but Bill Gates has a vision to see what is possible and the desire to transform that vision into reality.
Thomas Watson Sr.. change the company name Computing Tabulating Recording Company to International Business Machines (IBM), although at the time not operate internationally, but Thomas Watson had a vision that the company later became the company that operates internationally. When Watson called the International Business Machines (IBM) a lot of people when it laugh. Some even say that Watson gave that name too much company. But now IBM is a modern company and its managers become major role models to suit a white shirt, plain tie, selling exceptional spirit. In 2003 this IBM Computer Company was selected as the most amazing world of Fortune magazine.
Jeff Bezos is the founder of, which was originally just a bookstore .. Why he named his company to Amazon?. Because "the Amazon river is the largest river in the world" said Jeff Bezos. What about the river Nile?. River Nile is the longest river in the world, when compared with the Amazon River water volume is only a tributary of the Amazon. Amazon River water contains 20% of the world, then have Jeff Bezos about his company would become the company that controls 20% of the world market. is the site E-Commernya in July 1995, originated from the bookstore and then extended to the compact disk (CD) and then to auction, and now thousands of different products and different vendors. In 1996 to sell 15.7 million dollars and jumped to 600 million dollars in 1998. reported on 1 November to 23 December 2002, customers who order all over the world 56 million items to become the best online store in 2002 version of Yahoo magazine.
John F. Welch, Jr. (former CEO) of General Electric stated: "We use three operating principles to establish mood and behavior at General Electric: without borders in all our behavior, speed in everything we do and stretch in every goal that we set" . Behavior without borders rally twelve large global businesses, each number one or number two in the market, into a vast laboratory produkutamanya is a new idea, along with a general commitment to disseminate it throughout the company. Speed ​​is something that is usually not found in the company of General Electric, but at General Electric was found in the form of the speed of product development, design re-cycle (from order to delivery), set back the ability to reduce investment in plant and equipment. Stretching means using dreams to set goals that exceed the set target.


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Positioning Based on Attributes

Positioning (positioning) based on the attribute is to position the product based on the attributes or properties, such as symbol, emblem, size, color, location, position and so forth. The determination of position based on this attribute will work well if the attribute is associated with the consequences of these attributes for the customer and the consequence of personal values ​​on strengthening product in the minds of customers. Promagtermasuk example of a successful exploit positioning based on attributes. Month of fasting was chosen for imaging products, so it is touching hearts of Muslims.Consequences are what customers expected to benefit or harm when consuming these products. Status, comfort, performance, security and high resale value is positive consequences (benefits) for the vehicle, instead of damage, fault repair and lower selling prices is a negative consequence (loss), which avoided the consumer.Personal values ​​are beliefs adopted by someone who relates to what's important in life. This value is closely related to the statement or behavior that people do in life. Product attributes and consequences were not obtained for granted, but rather as a consequence of receiving a notice or positioning. Every act of consumption is valued as an attempt to receive a statement at-positioning-kan.Oleh therefore of customer perception, affect the value of attribute dankonsekuensinya.Shar-e cards positions itself in the minds of consumers as a debit card based upon Islamic principles is widespread in Indonesia, because it can be obtained at any post office with only Rp.125.000, - by using the slogan "An easy way to share the results." Similarly conducted by Promag. In his positioning Promag showing the figure of a devout Muslim. The figure is played by Dedi Mizwar known person as a religious celebrity. Packaging Promag yangidentik selected with the color green with the Islamic religion. Finally made Promag as the market leader with a market share of about 80%.

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Brand Building Strategies

Each company should develop their own policies regarding the brand of eye products in the same line. Brand is a combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As was discussed in advance, that is not the product but the brand advertised. Brands have the economic role if the brand mass-produced so as to achieve economies of scale and a successful brand may inhibit the brand introduces a competitor who wants the same. Brand also has a strategic role by becoming a differentiator between the brands offered by the company with the brand of its competitors. From the consumer perspective, a trusted brand is a guarantee of consistency of performance of a product and provide the benefits that consumers look for when buying a particular product or brand. Brand also is a promise to consumers that the only mention his name, there is hope that the brand will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase.Brands consist of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), brand lines / families (line / family brand), brand companies (corporate brand), brand combination (cobination brand). Private brand is the brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example on wholesalers and retailers. Alpha release of sugar by Supermarket brands that do not yet have a sugar factory, the Alpha uses the blessing of our private brand distributor of sugar. Private brand allow wholesalers or retailers to give a lower price and makes it possible to obtain higher profits. Bahakan many overseas companies ranging from clothing in upscale real Indonesian production, but given the brand overseas. Similarly, shoes made in Indonesia, branded buyers from abroad. Although made in Indonesia, but with foreign brands turned out to be sold with an expensive price. Because it is sold is not the product but the brand.Another strategy is to build brands with specific brand which is a strategy to give the brand name on a specific product. Unilever uses this strategy, such as Axe brand deodorant, for Blue Band margarine, Domestos to insect repellent, Omo detergent to soap, for Pepsodent toothpaste and shampoo Sunsilk for. Similarly, P & G, Camay soap brand, for Crest toothpaste, for Duracell batteries, Gillette for razors, Head & Shoulders for shampoo and Pampers for diapers.

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Agriculture Business Opportunities

It takes more than 300 agricultural products from Agent Agricultural Products, Agricultural Equipment & Machinery, Coconut Shell Charcoal, Charcoal, Supplementary Material Feed, Seed Crops, Fruit, Frozen & Dried Fruit, Spices & Seasonings, Flowers & Plants, Grain Rice, Brown, The Earth, The Harvest, Mushroom & Truffle, Nuts, Nuts & Seeds, Plywood, Wood Board, Coconut, Potato, Sweet Potato, Chemicals, Coffee, Copra, Other, Business Services for Cooperation & Investment, Food & Beverage, Food Livestock, Forestry Machinery, Machine Fisheries, Vegetable & Animal Oil, Timber Works, Fisheries, Freshwater Fishing, Gardening & Gardening, Poultry & Livestock, Pesticides, Animal Husbandry, Bamboo Products, Rattan & Wicker, Fertilizer, Compound Fertilizer Complete, Cigarettes & Tobacco, Seaweed, Animal Sari, Sari Plants, Frozen & Dried Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables, Dried vegetables, Vegetables, Vegetables, Salted Vegetables, Spicy Vegetables, Agricultural Product Stock, Ornamental Plants, Tea, Eggs, Products Processing Enterprises

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